Friday, January 29, 2016

Limiting factors- 2 density-dependent and 2 density-independent

Two things I discovered today about the desert is that it contains density-dependent and density-independent factors. 2 density-dependent factors in the desert are competition and disease. An example of competition would be the Cactus Wren population fighting for the same resources. They all receive food and water from the Saguaro Cactus, but the cactus can only provide so much for a large population of birds. The desert is a highly populated biome for some species, such as coyotes. Fleas and ticks can spread easily throughout the coyote population, and can cause sickness throughout the whole pack. 2 density-independent factors are limitation of water and the hot climate. There is less than 25 cm. of rainfall a year in the desert biome. For example, the Yucca plant has waxy leaves that help prevent transpiration. An example of animals being about to withstand the heat would be Gila Monsters. They are forced to stay under rocks until the sun goes down so their bodies do not over heat.

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